SOPHIA AMUROVA height: 176 | weight: 72kg | sizes: 130-70-100 | breasts: 75 H
Country: Russia City: Slavyansk-na-Kubani Horoscope: Aries
Loves: “Horses, sea, our Kuban steppe”. Hates: “Big cities’ rush and untenable admirers”. Dream: “To believe in love again”. Sex: “Test for the relationships strength”. Hobby: “Pets and some lady’s things I won’t tell you!” Favorite shooting: “I like all of them! But the most silly was with the cucumber!” My weakness: “Too remarkable appearance! It’s impossible to hide”. My strength: “They say, sometimes I resemble Sophie Loren, without “Oscar”, but younger and more actual, like renovated version”. Favorite phrase: “Silence”. ALL ISSUES WHERE THIS MODEL PARTICIPATES |